On the crossroads

On the crossroads

Sunday, September 23, 2012

New Youtube Channel!

It's nice to read stories about your favourite Bluesmen, but it's even better to listen to their music!

With that in mind I 've started a Youtube channel on which I want to upload and concentrate music videos with our favourite music!!!
So. This is the link for my Youtube channel and I also cite the link for one of my music videos.

the link for the channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/deltacrossroads1905/videos?flow=grid&view=0

 and the video:

ps: Please keep in mind that this Blog and the videos are not made by a pro but on the contrary by an amateur with limited knowledge on the subject but also with unrestricted love for it...
And another think. Unfortunately I didn't start the Blog as I hoped, because I had some obligations which kept me away from writing. BUT from this week I hope that i will be able to post at least weekly... In the few next days I 'll post the second and third part of my small tribute to Robert Johnson. So stay tuned!

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